Why Is My Boiler Overheating? What to Do? How to Fix It?

Why Is My Boiler Overheating

It’s scary to imagine waking up on a frosty morning, eagerly awaiting the warmth of your boiler. But instead, you’re met with an alarming sight—the unmistakable signs of overheating. The first question that echoes in your mind is, why is my boiler overheating?

In this short yet informative blog post, I’ll dive straight into the heart of the matter. I’ll uncover the common causes behind boiler overheating, shedding light on the mechanisms that bring this issue to life. So, fasten your seatbelt and let’s get started with our discussion!

Is Your Boiler Really Overheating?

Many times, it may feel like the boiler is overheating but in actuality, there is some other issue with it. Therefore, before we dive into what causes a boiler to overheat, it’s essential to ensure whether it is actually overheating or not. These are the typical signs of overheating boilers.

  1. Boiler lockout or shutdown – In most cases, the boiler will automatically lock out or shut down when it overheats or approaches overheating.
  2. Error codes or alerts – If your boiler hasn’t shut down but displays an error code or alert, it could also be a sign of overheating or the risk of overheating. Direct to the manufacturer’s manual to understand the specific meaning of the code or alert.

What to Do If Boiler Is Overheating

What to Do If Boiler Is Overheating?

First of All, Turn Off the Water

In the event that you suspect your boiler is overheating and it has ceased functioning, it is crucial to take the appropriate steps to mitigate potential risks. Your initial course of action should be to shut off the water supply.

This precautionary measure serves to prevent any further water from entering the unit, offering an additional safeguard in case other safety mechanisms fail.

In addition, it also reduces the risk of pressure build-up within the boiler. Continuous water flow can convert into steam, rapidly increasing the boiler pressure and potentially causing an explosion.

Now, Consult with an Engineer

Instead of attempting to rectify the issue yourself, it is strongly advised to seek the expertise of a qualified engineer. Call an expert who can evaluate the situation and determine the underlying cause of the overheating problem.

This is because dealing with an overheating boiler can be risky, so it is best to leave the troubleshooting and repairs to those with the necessary skills and knowledge.

What Are the Causes of An Overheating Boiler?

Build-up of limescale

Limescale accumulation on the heat exchanger restricts water flow, leading to overheating. This phenomenon, known as “kettling,” can produce kettle-like whistling sounds.

If you notice such sounds, it is advisable to contact a heating engineer to flush out the system and eliminate limescale. Addressing this issue promptly not only prevents overheating but also extends the lifespan of your boiler.

Blockage in the system

Unusual sounds from your central heating system or radiators that fail to heat up properly are indications of a blockage. Surplus air in the radiator can be discharged by bleeding it.

In cases of severe blockages, a heating engineer should perform a power flush, a thorough cleansing process that removes limescale, rust, and debris. A power flush restores proper water circulation, allowing efficient heating throughout the space.

Fault with the pump

The pump plays a vital role in circulating water within the central heating system. A malfunctioning pump prevents hot water from leaving the boiler, potentially causing overheating.

While a heating engineer might attempt to repair the pump, it is often necessary to replace it entirely to restore proper functionality.

Thermistor issue

The thermistor monitors water temperature, enabling the PCB to adjust the temperature based on demand. A failed thermistor can result in excessively high-water temperature, leading to boiler overheating.

However, you must remember that only a qualified heating engineer should work on a thermistor, and it will likely require replacement to rectify the issue.

How to Tackle the Overheating Problem

How to Tackle the Overheating Problem?

When it comes to rectifying an overheating boiler, the approach to fixing the issue depends on the underlying problem. It is essential to employ the services of a certified specialist for any of the common causes I have mentioned above.

Ensuring the employment of a fully qualified engineer is vital for boiler installation, repairs, and servicing. Engaging an individual lacking the necessary qualifications could exacerbate the overheating issue and potentially lead to more severe consequences.

Future Tips to Stop Overheating Before It Happens

Suppose you have resolved the issue by hiring an expert engineer. In such a case, it’s time to take care of it to avoid overheating from happening again in the future. Well, you can carry out several proactive actions to ensure its avoidance.

Regular Servicing

It is highly recommended to schedule regular boiler servicing. This crucial maintenance practice helps prevent dangerous issues such as overheating. Qualified engineers possess the expertise to identify and address any potential problems before they escalate, ensuring the safe and efficient operation of the unit.

Prompt Repairs

In case any repairs are necessary, it is crucial to rely on professional engineers to promptly address them. Timely repairs can prevent situations where a boiler becomes unsafe and prone to shut down or overheating.

Upgrading Old Boilers

Consider replacing old boilers with newer models. Modern boilers come equipped with advanced safety features designed to mitigate the risks associated with overheating. By investing in a newer unit, you can enhance the overall safety and efficiency of your boiler system.